Introducing the Fastman Bridge Connector – A Fastman Live Webinar

Managed Move and Updates in your OpenText Content Suite and Extended ECM Environment
Do you struggle with moving large quantities of documents within Content Suite to different locations within your repository? During the MOVE, do you need to update categories and attribute fields, reset Permissions, or rename items? If so, most Content Suite experts are well aware of the exhausting effort and error-prone manual process this requires. The Fastman Bridge Connector streamlines this process by leveraging the popular Bulk Data Manager and Permission Manager solutions and adding a NEW Fastman dashboard with managed move and update automation.
During this presentation, you’ll see and learn about:
- How business users can easily manage a large move of content to a new location within Content Suite and eliminate manual errors.
- During the MOVE process, you will be able to update and quickly add additional metadata to your content.
- Rapidly apply proper access and permissions during the Managed Move process.
- Rename moved items if a new naming convention is desired or cleanup empty folders.
- Use Collections and Managed Move together to process as a virtual shopping cart method
- The Fastman Dashboard tracks the progress of the managed moves and guides the business user through the processing steps to ensure enhanced quality control.
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